Monday, April 20, 2020

Online Learning April 20 - 24

Welcome to our third week of online learning. Please check for Mr Hebert's April principal message at the bottom of this post. Answer keys are now posted for last week's assignments where applicable. We have provided feedback but would like students to check their work and ask questions if they are unsure of why an answer is correct/incorrect. Assignments are now up for this week in all 4 classrooms (LA, math, science, and social studies).

Our buddies have been missing us so we are going to have the opportunity to do a buddy Google Meet this Thursday. Their usual meet is Thursday from 9-10, and we have been invited to join them this week. The meeting code will be emailed to students and posted in the LA classroom stream on Thursday morning. Just like with all other Google Meets, the buddy meet is not mandatory but please consider stopping by to say hi.

The news article unit is continuing. This week's focus is on specific news article elements, including headlines, lead paragraphs, and direct and indirect speech. There are examples to look at, videos to watch, and tasks to complete.

We are continuing with patterns. The first activity is similar to last week's work. Students have to practice using input/output machines and give the pattern rule that relates the input to the output. There is also the opportunity to find similarities and differences between input/output machines and to correct output errors. The next lesson asks students to find the pattern rule and continue listing input/output values for various machines. Students will then have the opportunity to look at patterns that are represented visually through pictures. Just like last week, there is a document with questions to answer about activities completed on Mathletics and a basic facts quiz to complete online.

Social Studies
Mr. Shackelton has posted reading about Ancient Athens with questions to answer about the roles of people in their society and how their democracy worked.

Last week Mr. Mueller posted a two week project about moon phases, so this is the second week for that. Some students completed it last week, in which case there is only a short science quiz this week on the moon phases.

Again, please remember that the focus should be on math and LA. If you are finding it difficult to make time to complete everything, those assignments need to be the priority. This week's assignments are due on Sunday. When the work gets done is up to your family, but if students are handing work in early in the week, they will be encouraged to go back and complete should/could tasks or add detail. Answer keys, where applicable, for this week's work will be posted on Monday.

All grade six teachers will continue to be available online during school days. We will continue to post daily links to Google Meets so that students can ask questions and see each other. We are also continually responding to stream comments and emails, as well as posting individual comments on student work. Attendance on Google Meets is not mandatory; it is simply another resource that is available to students if they need it.

Have a great week!

April Principal’s Message:
You will see this is a difference from past communication where you would have received my message on school messenger. In order to minimize the amount of e-mail to parents/families at this time, we have made a decision at Beddington to include this in the teacher e-mail you are already receiving. Hopefully this supports families need and will provide enough information to give you what you need. 
We are continuing to learn about our student on-line learning and how to keep connected with our students during this period of isolation.  We know that whatever we are asking of you at this time needs to be balanced with your need for health and care of self and others. We will try to provide continuity where we can. Both on-line google classroom and paper packages have been implemented to provide opportunity for ongoing learning opportunities for our students.  This has been working with a level of success and we are glad to see successes with our students. The focus has been on math and literacy activities and we ask that you place your efforts on these activities first. You should be receiving weekly communication from your child’s teacher by this point outlining the week ahead. Teachers are available to answer questions either during scheduled google meet sessions or through responding to your individual questions through e-mail. We continue to refine weekly schedules to best meet needs. 
Our specialists Mr. Sadowsky and Mr. Wiens have provided additional enrichment activities for you to work on. These are not compulsory and are there to support those who wish to engage at a greater level of involvement. I have had a number of questions as to whether these are required. They are posted for those who wish to access them. 
Please note that for safety reasons the office is closed. Access for parents is in the main door and material pickup and drop off is in the gym. You are asked to exit through the gym door afterward. If you have questions for us in the office please feel free to call. Ms. Cumming and I are in the office during the day to answer your questions so feel free to give us a call. 
Our knowledge of “Assessment of Learning” is ongoing. There will be more information forwarded to you regarding what to expect. We do know that report cards for year end will be part of our work. This will most likely be available on-line when they are complete. 
We ask that you keep in contact with your teacher, whether your child is able to complete work or not. We are working to limit factors that prevent this from happening and we are able to provide resources in many cases. We have a listing for a number of resources that we may be able to connect you with. Our greatest goal at this time is to stay connected. We miss you all greatly. 
Stay safe.

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