Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Online Learning April 14 - 17

Welcome to our second week of online learning. Answer keys are now posted for last week's assignments where applicable (activities asking for creative writing or statements of opinion do not have a right or wrong answer) so that students can check their work. We hope to get students in the habit of checking their own work on these types of assignments, but we will continue looking over work and providing feedback. Assignments are now up for this week in all 4 classrooms (LA, math, science, and social studies). 

This week we are continuing our news article unit. There is an article for students to analyze and identify various elements. Next, students have been given a scenario and will use a graphic organize to plan a news report. Finally, students have been provided with two situations / sets of facts and will write a news report about one or both of them. We will use this article as a baseline and next week we will look at how to improve our writing.

We are continuing our work on patterns. The first activity is similar to last week's final activity. There are tables for students to complete and identify the pattern rules. In the next activity, students will complete tables and identify the rule for patterns that involve two operations. We want students to continue the habit of using Mathletics (we did this weekly in class), so this week there is a document for students to fill in to say what activities they completed and how they feel it went. Finally, there is an online version of a basic facts / computation quiz so that they can continue practicing the four operations.

Social Studies
Mr. Shackelton has posted some textbook work this week for Ancient Athens. The link to the textbook is in the document with the questions to answer.

Mr. Mueller has posted a two week project about moon phases. There are many links for students to explore and questions to answer.

Again, please remember that the focus should be on math and LA. If you are finding it difficult to make time to complete everything, those assignments need to be the priority. This week's assignments are due on Sunday (except for science, which will carry over into next week). When the work gets done is up to your family, but if students are handing work in early in the week, they will be encouraged to go back and complete should/could tasks or add detail. Answer keys, where applicable, for this week's work will be posted on Monday.

All grade six teachers will continue to be available online during school days. We will continue to post daily links to Google Meets in the mornings (Mr. Mueller and Mr. Shackelton also have science and social studies Meets some afternoons) so that students can ask questions and see each other - see updated schedule below (GM means in Google Meet, GC means on Google Classroom to respond to comments and give feedback). We are also continually responding to stream comments and emails, as well as posting individual comments on student work. Attendance on Google Meets is not mandatory; it is simply another resource that is available to students if they need it.

Have a great week!

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