Monday, January 20, 2020

Monday, January 20

Messages and Reminders:
The January pillars of care assembly is on Friday. Notes went home with our winners today. Students who were away for most or all of last week received math homework today. It is due by this Thursday. The homework consists of 2 pages of ratio problems we did on Friday and the basic facts / computation quiz students wrote on Wednesday or Thursday. If there are questions about the homework, students can ask during catch up / reading time tomorrow morning or you can email me ( Our ratios unit test will either be on Friday or Monday. Please plan on attending the parent meeting about outdoor school on Thursday, January 30 at 6:00.

Morning Recap:
This morning after ignite, we nominated our classmates for this month's pillars of care awards. We each filled out a ballot and gave a reason for our choices. As we finished voting, we did finish up or read to self. Once all the ballots were in, we tallied up the votes to determine our winners for care for self, others, learning, and place. The winner of the pillar of the month (January's is mindfulness) is always decided by the teacher. Once winners were announced, we moved onto language arts. Today we took a closer look at the reading assessment that we wrote on Thursday. Half our class was away that day, so to start out today, we paired up with one person who wrote the assessment and one person who was away. We read the text together and the person who was there last week explained our annotation symbols and made suggestions about where annotations could be made on the text. Once everyone had read the story, we went over the questions. Students who wrote the assessment last week received their scores and the remaining students got a blank copy of the questions. Together as a class we discussed the answers to the questions. A lot of student responses lacked details or provided only one example despite the question asking for multiple examples. We talked about how we need to push ourselves to do more than just the bare minimum. In math, we continued working with ratios. We watched two MathAntics videos about what ratios are and how to set up proportions to find equivalent ratios. We took a break to go to gym and then got time to work on some ratio problems on our own.

Upcoming Important Dates:
Friday, January 24 - pillars of care assembly
Thursday, January 30 - outdoor school parent meeting - 6:00pm
Friday, January 31 - non-instruction day
Thursday, February 6 - math night - 6:00pm - 8:00pm

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